Monday, November 2, 2009

A few gems from my best gal

Augusta asked how old I am. I told her to guess. She said, "Five teen". When I told her my actual age, she said incredulously, "thirtyFIVE??!?!??!"

She likes the song "I Kissed a Girl". She sings it "I kissed a girl and I liked it and then I married Jackman".

Tonight she told me: "I don't like you Mommy. But I WUV YOU!!"

Augusta dressed as Dorothy for Halloween. We trick or treated all over the neighborhood, and by the time I said it was time to get home, she didn't argue. In fact, when we neared the house she grabbed my hand a little tighter and said, "Oh Mommy, there's NO place like HOME!"

1 comment:

  1. That's funny...after 1 hour of trick or treating in our neighborhood, Shaeli requested that we return home and announced that she had enough candy!!!
    Kids these days....;)
