Thursday, January 28, 2010

Should we just start another group instead?

A girlfriend of mine asked me recently if I'd be interested in helping to plan our 20th reunion. First of all, TWENTY YEARS?!? Really?? It sure doesn't feel like 20 years, though I'm reminded of it each and every time I wash-that-grey-right-outta-my-hair. But this isn't really about us getting older. I went to our 10 year reunion. I came to the conclusion that we all looked the same but wider. Some of us had been in contact via email, or found each other on various websites like but for most of us, it was a surprise to see what everyone looked like. We got to listen with awe and a twinge of jealousy to our friends who'd "made it", cheer for those who'd gotten married or just had their first babies. Others, like me, hadn't done anything of consequence but we all stood around and talked and laughed and caught up with each other. The thing was, we were hearing about it all firsthand, for the first time. A lot has changed since the last reunion. Now with tools like Facebook, we all "see" each other so regularly that I wonder if it will all be anti-climactic? Will we have anything to talk about other than Farmville and Vampire Wars? Will any of us be as interesting and witty without the aid of Photoshop and Google? More importantly, will we all be tweeting the entire event as it unfolds? OMG!!! You'll never believe who got FAT?!? Oh come on, we're all thinkin' it.

Friday, January 8, 2010

What bad mood?

I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Let me rephrase that. I was angrily shaken awake this morning by a crabby 3 year old who demanded that I wake up and put on her show NOW. Hoping I'd be able to catch a few more winks while Augusta watched her show, I punched the power button on the remote, zoomed up to the channel of choice and shut my eyes. It wasn't to be. She complained about the show, the volume, the tv was too "sunny" (bright), she was hungry, she wanted MOMMY to give her breakfast NOW, DADDY DID IT YESTERDAY, you name it, she complained about it. I sent her to get changed and she yelled – YELLED at me, defiantly, NO!!!! We went around and around until finally I exploded and sent her to her room. I was so angry, and she was being so horrible and I just couldn't deal with her.

Augusta played quietly in her room (read: made a ginormous mess of teeny tiny scraps of wadded up paper strewn all over her entire room and in drawers) while I began getting ready for work. I stomped all grumpy-gills into her room and laid out her clothes. Getting her to get dressed in the morning on her own is a chore that I'm not cut out for. I typically ask her 5 or 6 times to please get dressed, then by the 7th time I'm so worked up and cranky that I start threatening to take things away. This morning I was so irritated that I simply told her that 1. I was very angry about her behavior this morning, 2. I was not going to speak to her again until she got dressed and 3. if I had to remind her to get dressed ONE MORE TIME I was going to throw out her coveted Wizard of Oz pillow. She simply said, "Ok, Mommy. I'm sorry for being so mean at you and I will get dressed." I told her not to speak to me again until she was dressed and returned to my bathroom to dry my hair.

A few minutes later, I felt a teeny tiny hand tug on my shirt. I turned off my hair dryer and she said, "Mommy, I got dressed. How do you like my outfit?" I turned to look. I snorted.

I said, "wait right there! DON'T MOVE!!!"

She cautiously said, "why Mommy? Am I in trouble???"

"No!! " I shouted as I darted down the stairs. "I have to get my camera!"

For this is what she'd put together:

I have absolutely no idea to which bad mood you are referring.
