Wednesday, October 21, 2009

More random acts of randomness…

Reduced Fat Cheese Nips? Not delicious.

First Watch for lunch is ridiculously good. That marinated salad they serve with sandwiches is the BEST!!!

Heroes: where the heck is Mohinder??? But in the meantime, I'm digging the new Carny guy from Prison Break. And of course, Peter Petrelli.

I can't believe NBC is keeping "Trauma" on the air but cancelled "Southland". The former is just ridiculous, but the latter was one of the best shows on tv in a long time. The season finale last year was the most suspenseful hour of television I can remember seeing. Dude, who the heck is running NBC these days? I would say maybe a monkey, but that would be insulting to monkeys.

I hate when I'm so busy at work that I can't get to everyone on my list, but other people sit there at their desks and watch videos all day.

I'm really liking the new show on ABC, "Eastwick". It's a nice mix between "Charmed" and "Desperate Housewives". Nice and campy, just how I like my shows.

And one more thing: I love my Ranger dog and all, but could he please stop with the farting??? Pretty please?


  1. OK, I think I saw Mohinder in a preview for another new show coming to ABC. So it confused me when 'Parkman' called him on last nights episode. OH! and 'Juliet' from LOST is in that new (OLD) show "V".
    But seriously, I DO HAVE A LIFE!
    Soon we can have viewing parties of the best shows! hehehehehe!

  2. josie recently started with the farting. my fear is it gets worse with age...oh lordy help me if it does.

  3. I know! The Reduced Fat Cheese Nips are all dry and stale and hard and gross and stuff. Bleh.

    I've been watching Fast Forward. The hubby and I are totally sucked in. When I'm alone I watch The Mentalist. I have such a murder mystery fetish. Such a dork. :)

  4. I did not know you were a Heroes fan. Seriously, I am so annoyed with the writers. After the strike gave them the break they needed to right the wrongs, they've somehow painted themselves into that corner AGAIN. I hate that the "rules" for the powers change whenever the storyline needs to take a random twist. I miss the days when Peter Petrelli could collect all the powers, not just the most recent one. Except they aren't actually properly milking that new "rule", because now that he's hanging out with Sylar-in-the-body-of-Nathan, shouldn't he have ALL of the Sylar powers?! I hate Parkman. He's gives doughy everymen a bad name. Oh, I could go on...tell me if I'm boring you.

  5. Parkman's doughy everyman act worked the first season. Now he just stares at people funny and looks like he has to fart a lot. I can't even keep up with Hiro's story. And I cannot stand Nikki/Jessica/Tracy/as-yet-unnamed-but-just-you-wait. Peter P is still my favorite with his crooked smile and lazy eye, but I hate the one-power-at-a-time plot, plus you’re right about the he’d-have-all-the-powers-via-Sylar plot hole. I love the carny guy, he’s creepy. I have to admit I liked Noah better when was just the menacing man in Horn Rimmed Glasses.
    It sounds like I don’t even like the show anymore, but I do. It’s still better than watching [insert yet another incarnation of the same procedural crime drama just (and here’s the twist) it’s set in a different city!!! here]every day. I used to love CSI, Law & Order, etc. but I don’t know, since becoming a parent I can’t watch them – they’re too violent or gruesome or depressing. I like the stuff that’s fantasy, that I don’t have to think too hard about. Castle – there’s one I like. It’s funny, lighthearted and it’s got that super sexy Nathan Fillion guy. And of course, Glee. Love that one – it makes me grin like a fool.

    And you're not boring me at all! I could talk TV all. day. long.
