Friday, November 27, 2009

It’s all Greek to me.

Gus makes up words. Today in the bath she swirled up some bubbles, poured them into a cup and said, "Mommy, this is a squirtydortydirtysquirbydabbaopowinaweena." Easy for her to say.

What words do your kids invent?


  1. Can't think of any off the top of my head but growing up we called ketchup "got-sew" because apparently it is what I called it when I was a kiddo.
    But Shaeli did tell me in the car last week that she loved me....."even more than chocolate!"
    OH WAIT, and we LOVE to literally pronounce words, especially in public. You should have heard Kaelah order her MINE-STRONE soup at the Olive Gareden the other day. Good thing our server had a sense of humor!

  2. From Bethany -- Garrett makes up his own curse words. "Squeaker!" and "Oh, hovercraft!" being his favorites.
