Saturday, October 24, 2009

bubble bursting 101


I had my first parent-teacher conference with Augusta's preschool teacher recently. As I made the trek from the parking lot to the preschool classroom, I practiced my humble face. I just knew that momentarily, Mrs. Schoettlin would sit me down to gush about how my sweet angel had charmed them all with her enthusiasm, overwhelmed them all with her generosity and served as a shining example to all of the other children as a beacon of amazing selflessness and wit. Turns out, mine is the bossy kid who scolds the other children, cries – no, sobs - when she's corrected and pouts when she has to wait her turn. Awesome. I guess it could be worse. She could be the paste-eater.


  1. Miles is the exact same kid at his preschool. They *will* be wed someday. :)
