An Interview with the Birthday Girl, March 28, 2011
What is special about today? Uh, my birthday?
Did anything nice happen to you today?
Yes. Miss Nancy hugged me. Uh, uh, hmmm… Granny and Papa came to visit. They gave me hugs and kisses.
What were your favorite presents? I got a hot wheels toy. My favorite present, oh this is a hard one. I don’t know yet. I can’t remember yet.
What is your favorite color? Pink. What is your favorite dinner? Tonight it was spaghetti and meat balls
What is your favorite dessert? Cake. Uh, strawberry cake.
What is your favorite drink? Mmmmmmilk. I mean juice.
Where do you want to live when you grow up? Uh, in a big house. It will have big tables like ours. It will be purple. It will be special because I don’t know.
What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be a scientist. I will make stuff. I don’t know what a scientist does.
Do you have a boyfriend? LEVI!!!! He’s my beau.
What is your favorite song? Call Me. I also like Don’t Stop Believin.
Where is your favorite place to visit? Granny’s House. And Shaeli and Raegan’s.
What does Mommy do for her job? You work with people and you help work. You fix computers and stuff.
What does Daddy do for his job? He works with people doing work. Help fixing computers? What does he do anyway?
If you could be any animal in the world, what would you be? A unicorn. Are unicorns real? Actually I will be a horse. Because I neeeeeigh.
What is your favorite snack? Um, I like cookies. And cheetos. Because they are so cheesy.
Who is your best friend? Marin. Ella and Emaree and Brianna and Jack. Except for my mama.
What is your favorite thing to play? Um, I don’t know. Outside?
What would you like the people of the future to know? I like Miss Nancy. I like lollipops. And I like fruit snacks.
What language do you speak? English. Yeah, and I can speak hmmmm… I don’t know. Yet. Oh yeah, I speak Spanish and French. Bonjour!
What songs do you like to sing? Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. And I like to sing Don’t Stop Believin’. And I like to sing Call Me. Also, I love you mama. At school I like to sing Oh I Wish I were a little juicy orange, juicy orange, oh I wish I were a little juicy orange, juicy orange, I’d go squirty squirty squirty over everybody’s shirty, oh I wish i were a little juicy orange!
Who is our president? Barack Obaaaamaaaaaa. I like him. Because he’s the best president. He made speeches to everyone. And he talked about our world.
What do you think about the Jayhawks? The Jayhawks play basketball and they always win it! They lost yesterday. So I’m gonna make them win today.
How tall are you? 50 hundred pounds.
How much do you weigh? 57 pounds. (mom note: close! 50)
Do you have a pet? Ranger Dog. He is the best doggy ever. Even when he wiped his butt on the floor.
The End.
By Augusta Anne M. age 5 (today!)